Le dimanche je chante. Faux, mais personne ne semble vraiment faire attention car le dimanche au cinquante, c'est tout un petit bar du 10ème qui chante à l'unisson. Le dimanche... Lire la suite →
Le Happystep nouveau est arrivé. Happystep c'est une application Iphone qui géolocalise le bonheur. Tu entres ton humeur Un commentaire Puis tu vas voir autour de toi qui est heureux... Lire la suite →
Il voulait savoir. Il n’a jamais lu mon blog et il ne s’est pas laissé décourager par ma première esquive. Il aime bricoler, poncer, scier, chignoler. On le voit souvent... Lire la suite →
Petits étirements du muscle avant le retour aux bercails: ba be bi bo buuuuuuuuuuuuu! Vous l'avez décidé avec 66% des votants, j'écrirai dorénavant en français sur ce journal de la... Lire la suite →
74% of moodtep's readers are located in France. So I believe the question is legitimate: should I switch this blog to french? Help me out to take a decision. 74%... Lire la suite →
When I was younger, I studied Economics at the University. I had to use esoteric terms, complicated theories, hypothesis “all things being equal”, going from micro to macro… I felt... Lire la suite →
There is no recipe for happiness. Astounding. I have a blog about happiness trying to conceptualise it and now I say there is no recipe. It’s true. For me. Everything... Lire la suite →
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cmzZ5bb7VtA[/youtube] A few month ago, I had the crazy idea to do world stats on happiness. And now it's finally live on the Appstore!!!! You launch the application plug in... Lire la suite →
Arthur Schopenhauer was born on February 22, 1788 in Danzig, Poland. He had a pessimistic personality. He said for example: ““Life swings like a pendulum backward and forward between pain... Lire la suite →
“Joanna, would you like to interview Jacques Morin?” asked my friend Damien on the phone. Damien is a documentary director. I saw the DVD about Jacques Salomé (a great psychologist... Lire la suite →