Happiness is a process and it's fun (not dull?). Dr Vaillant used a longitudinal method of research to conduct a great study. He followed 268 students from Harvard to understand... Lire la suite →
[blip.tv ?posts_id=2070380&dest=-1] Can we be mistaken on the appearance of happiness? First, what is the definition of Happiness? In an online dictionary, that’s what you find: “hap·py 1. Characterized by... Lire la suite →
I am not a specialist in this subject but “the how of happiness“ by Sonja Lyubomirsky was a good overview of what is positive psychology to me. It was the... Lire la suite →
At first, I wanted it to be very objective and thourough. I want to explore happiness through science, psychology, philosophy... and report to you. But I realise that it is... Lire la suite →
It all happened on Easter Sunday. A lot of my friends went to the countryside, the mountain. Paris seems very calm. The sliding doors of my studio are wide open... Lire la suite →
Budapest What an esoteric city to me ! A good kind of magic that gets you on the top of a hill for a three-hour talk about the Huns, the... Lire la suite →
I danced. I spun and spun. I’ve been Dizzy. I experienced a great sens of joy. At first when Glenneroo (glenn /silly + kangaroo /bouncy = glenneroo / bouncing sillyness... Lire la suite →
Happiness in Berlin! I didn’t really connect with the city so I come back almost empty handed. Luckily, on my last night I met Tino. It lasted 10 minutes but... Lire la suite →
SWEDEN Swedish people are living for the summer and it’s true that the cold and the short days make it a challenge to live there in winter. Even if the... Lire la suite →