The beginning of my quest for what makes people happy is marked by the end of a 6 month program in a business incubator. I found out that entrepreneurs look happier than the average. They are pursuing goals that seem to help them go through difficulties.
First Happyview, let’s find out what makes entrepreneurs within Advancia incubator happy.
What makes me happy after doing the video montage are the credits at the end
What makes them happy: When I am at peace with myself * When I make others happy * Playing with my dog * Be with my family, my friends * Skying * When I have time to reflect * A smile * To be loved * When I have projects * To share * To be in love * Professional success
Life lessons they learned: * To have dreams and go for it * Be ambitious * Appreciate what you have and your luck * Dare, try and don’t give up * Don’t worry too much * To have a dream * Carpe Diem * Enjoy life * Work hard, never avoid, be zen and less intellectual * Use empathy * Stay yourself, talk more * Do what you love
Il est important de percevoir combien votre propre bonheur est lié à celui des autres, il n’existe pas de bonheur individuel totalement indépendant d’autrui…..(Dalaï-Lama)
It comes out in the interview. They are like little dalaï lamas