Le bonheur, chacun le définit à sa façon. Trouver son bonheur! Je ne sais pas si le bonheur se trouve en identifiant les morceaux, les biens, les relations qui feraient... Lire la suite →
Arthur Schopenhauer was born on February 22, 1788 in Danzig, Poland. He had a pessimistic personality. He said for example: ““Life swings like a pendulum backward and forward between pain... Lire la suite →
“Writing from a moment of deep sorrow. Tonight, I am alone in Spain. I feel lost. A dear friend touched a very ancient wound. I thought it was a cleared... Lire la suite →
[youtube]http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=armP8TfS9Is&feature=player_embedded[/youtube] If happiness was taught at school, what would the world look like? My friend Nathalie, author of the blog Origin.all, sent me this video about a japanese teacher. It... Lire la suite →
<Little souvenir from my stay in Brittany where I enjoyed my peace of mind > Our body is a machine, a fined tuned machine, an unbelievable partner. I don’t know... Lire la suite →